3rd time repeat family gives birth at home again 4/16/2024
ecial place in our hearts. We fall in love over and over and over again. When we birth with a family several times it grasps our heart with even more intensity as we watch the family we initially fell in love with become a family of 3, 4, 5 or 9. It’s a journey of growth that makes us feel young and old all in one breath. It leaves us with tear stained faces of love. Each birth different, each time a mama falls through the looking glass until she returns with her baby in her arms. Some stories will be long, some short and some with a one glove, one handed catch. Some in a bathtub when mama wasn’t even ready for us to come; with cheerful giggles of the magnitude of it all, we wouldn’t change it for anything.
Welcome little boy, bundle of joy. Welcome to your sweet family. I am so grateful to have watched your mama become a mama 3 times now. Born on 4/16/24, sooner than we were expecting and so fast my assistant missed it. 7 lbs 14 oz of pure love.