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Author: Tanya Walker

Baby boy born at home 9/9/23

This was the second time I attended a home birth in this Los Osos house, but this time with an entirely different family! This was a 2nd baby for this mama, but first home birth. She and her sweetheart labored so beautifully together and pushed her baby out in the birth tub just as she had hoped for! Until I get permission to post photos, I will post a photo of myself and my assistant licensed midwife and our student as we were leaving that morning so happy to have attended such a sweet birth and family.

Baby girl born at home to first time parents! 8/20/23

Beautiful baby girl born to a powerful first time mama that rocked her birth! In any obstetrical setting she would have been labeled “advanced maternal age” and viewed as high risk. In my practice, we believe that if you can get pregnant then you have every good chance of being bale to have a beautiful birth as well. Healthy moms=healthy babies! Way to go beautiful mama, you and your guy were such a great team. 6 lbs 7 oz of pure love and joy!

Baby boy born at home to first time parents! 8/10/23

This beautiful first time mama persevered with a lot of really hard work and pushing for hours, with the help of her husband to welcome their 7 lb 5 oz baby boy into their home. This mama labored beautiful and was a good reminder of the birth pause, sometimes women just need to rest after they are completely dilated and rebuild their energy so that they can push their babies out! We feel so happy to have been able to be there with you. guys! Congratulations sweet family!

Baby girl born at home 7/31/23

I love repeat families! This was baby #3, second home birth with us, welcome beautiful baby girl weighing in at 8 lbs 5 oz. We are so blessed to have served your family again. This dad is in the military and decided he wanted to purchase his own special knife to cut the umbilical cord with! You can tell mama is very amused. Yes, it was sterilized and honestly worked better than any cord cutter I have ever seen!

Baby boy born 7/25/23

This sweet family chose not to be pictured, but this mama did absolutely amazing having her 2nd baby, 1st home birth. Featured in the photo is my terrific midwife assist helping to deflate the birth tub!

Home birth is a family/pet event! 3/20/23

This sweet family decided they wanted to have baby #4 in the comfort of their own home. They had always planned for the children to be present if they wanted to be but we didn’t realize what a big part of their birth the family dog would be. Surrounded by her beautiful children, supportive husband and the sweetest dog ever that was right there throughout the labor and birth, this beautiful mama birthed her 9 lb 2 oz baby boy into her own hands. Their sweet doggie definitely thought this was his baby! Congrats you guys, I am so happy for you all.

Beautiful VBA2C 3/7/23

This sweet mama was so determined to have her baby at home after 2 cesareans. It makes me so happy to witness a mama push out her baby after 2 hard births. Way to take your power back! Beautiful baby baby boy born at home to his family with 2 big sisters. 8 lbs 7 oz of pure sweetness. Congratulations!

Baby girl born at home 3/7/23

This was my 2nd birth with this sweet family and both times she powered out her baby so fast I almost didn’t make it! I knew the drive from Los Osos to SLO better be a quick one based on our last experience together. Weighing in at 9 lbs 4 oz this sweet baby was born at home on the living room floor. So grateful to have been there for them again. Congratulations sweet family! <3

Welcome baby girl! 1-31-23

Welcome to the world baby girl, born 13 days after her guess date! This was baby number 2 for me with couple, and my 6th birth for their extended family. I love this family and it feels so special to have been such a big part of all their births! Weighing in at 8 lbs 11 oz of pure cuteness! I’m so happy for you all.

3rd Home Birth with me! 1-22-23

I am so blessed to know this beautiful family. This was the 3rd time I was able to serve their sweet family. They have been good friends of mine since we met! This was child number 9 for them!! I love big beautiful families! This beautiful sweet baby was born swiftly into the water with the best fetal ejection reflex I have ever witnessed. I love you all so much! Welcome sweet baby girl. <3

Baby girl born at home 1-20-23

This sweet baby girl was born at home into her parents arms. This birth was extra special for me because the mama is a good friend of mine and this baby will be a special joy to our sweet Los Osos community. This was her 3rd baby but 1st Homebirth, in her 40’s. No need for all the Advanced Maternal Age nonsense, this mama trusted her body both in pregnancy and in her birth. She is a warrior every day birth on this day especially she was a warrior goddess in her birthing power. I am so happy for their family and I cannot wait to watch this sweet little one grow.

Baby born at home to first time mom! 11-20-22

This mom and dad rocked their first birth just like I knew they would! Welcome baby boy born at home, Weighing 8 lbs 9 oz, this little cutie is very loved. Welcome to your sweet family! Looking forward to watching your grow! I will see you and your parents on the dance floor!