Baby born 5/14/2024 2nd Baby, 1st Home Birth
Sometimes we are brought back in time. Pulling from the edges to lift up memories that are tender to us. There are moments that I stop and realize how many years I have been attending births.
As I looked across the room I saw long curls and that same sweet demeanor, easy and grounded, then a child and now a woman, standing before me. She was 11 then attending the birth of her sibling and now she is a 30 year old, attending as a doula, nurturing this powerful beautiful strong mother laboring in front of me.
When I think of my own children homebirth is all they know.
Sometimes we talk about the fact that we are shepherds at your birth governing the edges of what’s normal and safe. We keep our hands off unless mama is wanting support. We respect that this is your journey. That is exactly how this strong mama rocked her birth. So focused on letting go with each wave she powered through each moment. She climbed into the birth tub and pushed her baby out with her husband and 6 year old at her side.
Welcome sweet baby to your beautiful family.