Baby girl born 2 weeks late to first time mom, 6/30/22
This little girl made her mom and dad wait and wait and wait. Her mama tried all she could to get her to come but babies really don’t come unless they are ready. She waited 14 days past her guess date before she decided to meet us. Her water was broken 53 hours before this first time mom birthed her baby at home in water into her own hands! I love encouraging women to catch their own babies! It is one of the most empowering things a woman can do in her lifetime, to push when she feels the urge to push and to push that baby right into her own hands! Weighing in at 7 lbs 3 oz with lots of vernix on her skin, this is why women shouldn’t be forced to induce as long as mom and baby are both doing well. You were well worth the wait sweet baby girl.