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Author: Tanya Walker

Welcome Little Guy to first time mama! 7/25/20

This little one was born to a first time mama that just went for it. Labor started around 11pm and baby was born before 10 the next morning. No hesitation at all and her partner offered great support. There is a lot to be said for not having a lot of expectations and just trusting the body knows what its doing. Birth is a natural process, not a medical event.

New Baby 7/10/20

This sweet first time mama broke her water in the late afternoon just a couple days past 37 weeks of pregnancy. Around 10pm contractions began to get noticeable and shortly after midnight the dad called to tell us they were 2 minutes apart. We knew we had an hour drive so we headed on our way. We arrived to find this strong mama laboring hard, baby was born in water into his mamas hands just a half hour after our arrival. Congratulations sweet family!

New Baby to first time mama! 6-15-20

This first time mom starting labor more than 2 weeks early with her water breaking around noon. She started having contractions early the next morning around 4:15, by 6:15 the dad called to tell us she felt like she had to push! So we headed over right away and arrived to find her laboring with what appeared to be very little effort and light contractions. She barely made a peep and we could hardly tell when she was having contractions. Baby was born at 9:16am with a true knot in his cord. This little guy never skipped a beat and his mama made birth look easy!

Home Birth during COVID-19, 6-5-20

This sweet boy came in fast and furious with the full moon, weighing in at 8 lbs. Beautiful birth for this family who chose home birth after deciding they didn’t want to have their baby in the hospital during the pandemic. It’s been a really special 3 months caring for them and big sister was over the moon and well on her way to being a midwife!

Midwifery is Family Friendly

Midwifery care is especially important right now during times of COVID, as many are being forced to birth without their support team in the hospital. Home Birth Midwifery care integrates the whole family into the experience. We welcome family members and feel that families should be able to choose who they want there with them on their special day. This little one really enjoys her mama’s prenatal visits. She is a great little helper. I see midwifery in her future.

5-11-20 VBAC Birth

This sweet woman got the experience she wanted with us. Her first child was born via a cesarean with another provider that she felt was unnecessary.  She was induced and one thing led to another, leaving her feeling like she was no longer in control of her body.  She was scared into a cesarean and told her baby was in danger.  Although she healed well physically and her baby was healthy, it was emotionally scarring for her.  

When she found out she was pregnant again, she called me in tears wanting the opportunity to push her baby out.  She didn’t feel that the hospital would allow her that opportunity and had done enough research on VBAC to know that her chances of pushing her baby out at home with a licensed midwife would be best.  She had all of her prenatal care with an obstetrician this pregnancy, who repeatedly told her a cesarean delivery would best and they even encouraged induction at 39 weeks.  She went into labor naturally right at 40 weeks, followed by a quick and easy labor where she never once hesitated and pushed her beautiful baby into the world.  It brings me such joy to help women take back their power and heal from past birth trauma.

5-1-20 New Baby, 3rd Birth with Nature’s Way Midwifery

This gorgeous little guy was born to a very special woman who had all 3 of her babies with me.  She was amazing each and every time.  It is always really special to serve repeat families and have the chance to really get to know each other, to see the children grow and then become older siblings.  The true essence of midwifery care is really to develop trust and have that continuity of care so everyone feels comfortable.  This makes for such a beautiful experience.