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Repeat mama pushes out her 2nd baby at home! 11-23-24.

We were lucky enough to get chosen again to help this sweet family have another home birth. Repeat clients are especially our favorite. The extra time getting to know them makes us love them so much more. This baby was different in that rather than taking her sweet time like their first, she came fast and furiously! Welcome beautiful baby girl born in the birth tub right into your mamas hands. We adore your family!

Sweet mama has her 2nd baby at home! 11-16-24

This adorable family had their first baby in a hospital, and actually had a good birth. This time around she wanted to be in the comfort of her own home. She labored beautifully with the twinkling lights of a Christmas tree that was just put up while her husband and daughter stood close by with the sweetest words of encouragement. She was so happy to be able to go into her own bed and cuddle with her family and that she was able to have her daughter there to witness the whole thing. Welcome beautiful baby girl, we are so happy for your family!

Repeat mama has her 4th baby at home! 11-7-24

This beautiful mama was a repeat and decided to have her 4th baby at home with us, born into a beautiful home but on a night the hot water heater decided to go out, we didn’t get to use this tub, but she pushed her sweet baby girl out into her own bathtub, and into her own arms. 7 lbs 4 oz of cuteness! We are so happy for your family. Enjoy a sweet baby girl in the house of big brothers!

Beautiful mama pushes out her 5th baby at home! 11/5/24

This was a sweet repeat mama who had her fourth baby with us. She wanted things to go just the same or even better and they did. Luckily this mama births like it’s the easiest thing in the world. She texted to say that she didn’t think she was in labor, just feeling tightness and 5 min later texted to say she was in line in Costco and definitely in labor! We rushed to her home and she was laboring standing while we filled the tub. She then said “I think my water is going to break”, so she got into the tub and immediately pushed her baby out! Welcome sweet baby girl, we are so happy for you family!

Baby Girl born at home to a first time mama! 10/21/24

This darling first time family really had to trust in all that they believed, all she knew intuitively inside herself, that she could do this. Her mom worked her entire life as a NICU nurse so there was a-lot of fear that they needed to work thru and boundaries they needed to set in order to protect their sacred birth space. When Labor Day came, they worked hard together and she labored beautifully. She pushed her baby out in the birth tub into her own hands and they fell madly in love with one another in what they had accomplished and with their beautiful baby. 8 lbs 14 oz of pure delight!

Beautiful Home Birth for a first time mama! 10/18/24

This beautiful family knew from the start that they wanted a home birth. She trusted her body and trusted that she was capable. She labored alone most of the day with her honey except for me checking on them once, by the time she called us back she was cruising so fast we didn’t know if we could fill the tub in time, but we did and she climbed in just in time to welcome her sweet 7 lb 9 oz son into the world. Congratulations sweet family! You guys rocked it.

Sweet baby girl born to a 3rd time mama! 9-14-24

This beautiful mama was a doula. She had her first and second baby’s in the hospital. After supporting several women as a doula she knew that she wanted to try for a birth center birth for her 3rd baby. She labored so well that as we were watching the contraction counter I thought for sure her baby might be born on the side of the freeway, but she came in just in time to get settled and cozy at the Oasis Birthing Center, she hopped into the birth tub and pushed her baby into her own arms with her husband and her mom praying and supporting her. A beautiful birth for a beautiful family. 3rd time is often the wild card, but 3rd time is a charm!

Beautiful baby girl born to first time parents! 9/13/24

Welcome beautiful baby girl weighing 8 lbs 7 oz, born at the Oasis Birthing Center. This beautiful mama worked so hard for her baby and once she surrendered to her faith that she was created to birth and her body could do it, her baby was born with ease into the birth tub right into her arms. We adore this sweet family and we sure hope we get to do this with them again some day!

Beautiful baby boy born to first time parents 6/3/24

This little one was long awaited by his parents. He was a triple rainbow baby, conceived naturally after years of trying everything under the sun. Obstetrically speaking, she was “advanced medical age”, but as midwives we believed in her ability to get pregnant and have her baby! And she did.. Beautifully. She was 8cm when I would have guessed her to be a 4, handling labor as if it was the easiest thing she had done so far. She pushed this sweet little one out on her bed with his daddy by her side supporting her, weighing 7 lbs 14 oz of pure miracle. We are absolutely overjoyed to have been there with your family.

Baby born 5/14/2024 2nd Baby, 1st Home Birth

Sometimes we are brought back in time. Pulling from the edges to lift up memories that are tender to us. There are moments that I stop and realize how many years I have been attending births. 
As I looked across the room I saw long curls and that same sweet demeanor, easy and grounded, then a child and now a woman, standing before me. She was 11 then attending the birth of her sibling and now she is a 30 year old, attending as a doula, nurturing this powerful beautiful strong mother laboring in front of me. 
When I think of my own children homebirth is all they know. 
Sometimes we talk about the fact that we are shepherds at your birth governing the edges of what’s normal and safe. We keep our hands off unless mama is wanting support. We respect that this is your journey. That is exactly how this strong mama rocked her birth. So focused on letting go with each wave she powered through each moment. She climbed into the birth tub and pushed her baby out with her husband and 6 year old at her side. 
Welcome sweet baby to your beautiful family. 

Welcome baby boy born at home 4-24-2024. 2nd baby, first Home Birth

The wind was howling. 
A hawk above soaring in the sky, balancing through the waves and gusts of a blustery spring night out in the country. 

Indoors it was similar as mama focused on finding her balance as she was being pushed through what seemed like her own endless gusts and waves. 

At times it was total silence and stillness you could hear nothing but the night, at other times that familiar birthing song that our ears understand so deeply. As mama gets the strength to walk and utilize gravity her husband joins in, hand and hand they walk around the kitchen island as if it were a Sunday afternoon stroll in the park. As I listen closer, I realize he is singing We Are the Champions by Queen, except he inserts you for we. 

Tender moments before larger mountains to climb. Gushes and gushes of waters spill like crashing waves on the shore. Mama works with her baby, works with her body . She becomes mighty and invincible strong and just like that an Angel came earth side.

Welcome sweet baby girl, born at home 4/22/2024

Sometimes the sweetest of things we have to be patient and just wait for. That is how this beautiful birth started. 

Water broke and as the hours and day passed, nothing. The waves began out of the stillness of the night shooting her like a rocket into transition where all she could do it make it across the room and onto the floor. 

Transition is that space that most women feel like the task at hand is impossible where they try with the few words they have available to convince us they couldn’t possibly do more and yet they do. 

Moments pass as husband and wife work together squeezing hips and endless tender words of encouragement are whispered. 

There are frogs in the background from a nearby creek singing with excitement and as mama lays down to rest they magically seem to stop for a moment before they resume their private whimsical serenade. 

Deep low moans that becomes her laboring song. 

She states out loud the names of her circle of sisters that had birthed before her gleaning strength in the moment from their own power stepping into the consciousness of how many woman have gone before her and how many will follow her because of her own story. 

In the early morning stillness she gives birth to their second child, their first home birth. 

A husband and wife navigated the intense sacred nectar of birth and as we left them tucked into bed we know they are savoring the sips of this new journey one sweet moment at a time. 

We adore your sweet family.